
10 Ways to a Better Deer Spot

Turn so-so small properties into big-time “deer scapes” where the herds are healthier, the bucks bigger and the hunting just plain better.

10 Ways to Improve Your Decoy Spread

Sure, you might decoy a duck or two with any old spread, but many migrators are too smart for dated tactics.

Waterfowling on the Cheap: Decoys

Not everyone needs new decoys, but here’s how to build a spread or upgrade what you have without laying out lots of cash.

A Trip to Nebraska

The only thing I got was a lousy merganser.

All Things Waterfowl

A little rain never stopped a dedicated waterfowl hunter, nor did it dampen the enthusiasm of those attending the 39th Annual Waterfowl Festival in Easton, Md.

Thoroughly Wilderness Elk

Travel back in time to a wilderness undisturbed by human encroachment and rediscover what hunting is all about.

Where's the Bull?

Even in the very best elk country, locating a bull to hunt can be time consuming and downright frustrating.

America’s Best Rut Stand

Tweak your setup to fit different terrains by following this can't miss formula for choosing your spot during the rut.

Pheasant Hunting Tips from the Experts

To make this season’s visit to your favorite pheasant destination more successful, here’s the inside advice from four pheasant masters.

CVA Accura V2

The main advancement of the V2 is CVA's use of the Quick-Release Breech Plug, one that is truly quick and easy, requiring only finger pressure to remove.

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