
Does England Have a Lower Violent Crime Rate?

Whether we like it or not, gun control has re-emerged as a hot button political and social issue in the U.S. A lot of so-called truths are being thrown around by everyone with access to a microphone, but what are the facts?

When Crossing the Border, Beware the ‘Lost’ Bullet

Each year, hundreds of American citizens are arrested at border crossings with Mexico and Canada. Their crime? Crossing into Mexican or Canadian territory in possession of a firearm or ammunition that’s not registered according to those countries’ laws.

Anti-Hunter Fires Shotgun at Wisconsin Duck Hunters

Did the charges brought against this anti-hunter fit the crime, and what kind of message does it send to other potentially violent 'animal rights activists?'

Are .22s Untraceable?

To hear one of Jeff Johnston's favorite (non-fiction) TV shows tell it, .22-caliber bullets can't yield forensic data. The BullShooters couldn't help but take a closer look.

Top 5 Things You Can Learn at the NRA Booth

Who doesn’t like the old Western “A Fistful of Dollars” starring Clint Eastwood? Well, if you’re on the NRA show floor this weekend, stop by the NRA booth for a fistful of facts!

Longtime NRA Supporter Michael Fuljenz Honored With American Numismatic Association’s Highest Award

NRA Golden Ring of Freedom member Michael Fuljenz, is the 2023 recipient of the highest honor bestowed by the Congressionally-chartered American Numismatic Association.

Illinois Recommends Vomit as Rape Deterrent?

The Internet Rumor: I saw a post on Facebook recently that rather disgustingly illustrates that the Illinois State Police recommend that women vomit on attackers to thwart would-be rapists.

NRA-PVF Candidate Ratings and Endorsements are Live!

With the 2022 General Election around the corner and American freedoms literally under attack, now is the time for you to get involved.

Where Criminals Get Their Guns

Across all media these days the information is far from accurate when it comes to the culture war waged against gun owners.

Poaching is Not Hunting

Make no mistake: Poachers are not hunters. Poachers are criminals and should be dealt with as such.

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