Wolf On The Prowllede

U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Last week, the House of the United States Congress voted to end federal protections for grey wolves in the lower 48 states.

Nebraska: A Mountain Lion on the Eighth Green

The appearance of a cougar on a Nebraska golf course during a high school tournament focuses attention on activists who have prevented earnest hunting seasons for the big cats as their numbers grow.

NRA Joins SCI in Letter to Interior Over Gray Wolf Battle

Your National Rifle Association (NRA) has joined Safari Club International (SCI) and 22 other conservation organizations, representing millions of sportsmen and women across the country, in a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Leads Fight for a Vital American Freedom

As part of the organization’s 150-year stewardship of shooting and hunting, the NRA in 2016 created the Hunters’ Leadership Forum to push against the demonization of hunting.

Dos and Don’ts When Talking About Hunting

You wouldn’t go hunting without proper preparation; likewise, it’s equally important to prepare to communicate effectively about hunting before you find yourself trying to defend it.

Why Hunting Affirms Americans’ Values Toward Animal Welfare

Americans’ attitudes about hunting exist across a continuum of acceptability from animal rights to animal welfare to “dominionism.” Understanding this continuum is crucial to communicating our mindset as hunters and why hunting fits the American landscape now and into the future.

SCI Continues to Monitor UK’s Animal Welfare Proposals

Safari Club International (SCI) strongly opposes many of the proposals in the current animal welfare Action Plan being considered in the United Kingdom (UK), proposals which are unsupported by scientific evidence and will harm wildlife conservation efforts inside and outside of the U.K.

How to Talk About Hunting

In 2021, ‘Join the Hunt’ will provide—thanks to the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum—research, tips and talking points to teach hunters how to talk about hunting’s positive impact.

NRA-ILA Joins Colorado’s Stop the Wolf Coalition

The NRA supports the state’s professional wildlife managers over ballot-box biology of animal-rights extremists.

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