
How to Avoid Opening Day Disasters

Opening day of hunting season! How we love it. How we anticipate it. How we should fear it …

How to Make Hunting Fun for Kids

If you’re looking to make a hunter out of your young apprentice, realize that comfort can either water or whither a new hunter’s interest. Make sure those early hunts are as enjoyable as possible, and you’ll be begging them to take you along in later years.

Bivy Basics: When You Need to Overnight in the Woods

Whether you want to conserve calories or “stay with the game” overnight, sometimes it makes sense to bivouac in the backcountry. Before you do so, it pays to carefully consider options for shelter, water, food and more.

Essential Gear for the Traveling Hunter

Traveling the world will certainly take you out of your comfort zone, but accumulating a set of tools and necessary gear will make your dream hunt much more comfortable.

5 Steps to a Successful Spring Turkey Season

Want to be better prepared when entering the woods this spring? Here’s how.

Extreme Meat Recovery: How to Keep Game Meat Clean, Dry and Cold

Any big-game hunt should incorporate a comprehensive plan to extract the meat in any weather or terrain. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, especially when it’s extremely hot or a bull dies in a precarious position. Here’s how to keep the bounty of the hunt clean, dry and cold.

When African Animals Attack

No other hunting destination on earth sees as many fatalities and injuries as Africa. Read the details of some of the Dark Continent's most vicious encounters.

Backcountry Survival Tips: How to Deal with Disaster

Here’s how to handle various emergency situations in the wilderness, including hypothermia, severe bleeding, an animal attack, getting lost and snake bites.

Go West for Early Birds and Lots of ’Em

They say the early bird gets the worm, but the early hunter gets the bird. Lots of birds, especially out West where seasons open as early as late August.

7 Ways to Prep for Waterfowl Season

Waterfowl season is fast approaching. Here’s what you need to do now to increase your odds this year.

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