
Canada Beckons

The diversity of species, nonstop action and generous bag limits offered by Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are arguably unrivaled by any U.S. destination.

Five Regional Wild Game Dishes

Recipes and cooking styles differ throughout the United States, and wild game isn't an exception. Here are five regional dishes you can infuse with game meat.

I Just Can't Do Another Turkey

Tired of the traditional? Here are some wild game alternatives to the big bird that you can try this Thanksgiving.

Fight Invasive Species: Wash Your Duck Dog

Here's a photo of me doing my best, apparently, to prevent the spread of invasive species. You see, the non-profit conservation group Wildlife Forever (WF) has launched a campaign encouraging duck hunters to wash their dogs, lest our furry mutts spread invasive aquatic species such as the dreaded zebra mussel.

Going the Distance

So you want to be a long-range hunter? You have a super-accurate rifle and you have tuned the ammo until it punches little bug holes in the target instead of groups. The trigger is crisp and clean and you have the best optics money can buy on top of the gun.

5 Obscure Wild Game Meats to Try

Do you eat enough wild game for it to be considered "the norm?" Then it's time to mix things up a bit by trying one of these five more obscure wild game delicacies.

New Year's Resolutions for Hunters

Struggling to stick to your New Year's Resolution already? That's alright: Georgia Pellegrini's got five that all hunters should adopt for 2013—and beyond.

How to Take the Perfect Hunting Photo

You've spent weeks, months and maybe even years preparing for your big hunt. Don't ruin your memories of it by rushing the trophy photo when it's all over. Follow these tips to make sure your next celebratory photo shoot produces pictures to be proud of.

Teen Kicks Gator, Unsurprisingly Gets Attacked

A Florida teen kicked what he thought to be a log while swimming—and soon found himself at the mercy of an angry alligator.

Five On-the-Grill Game Meats to Try

The dog days of summer have arrived, and the backyard cookouts are plentiful. Still have some game meat to clear out of your freezer before the fall's new harvest arrives? Here are five on-the-grill recommendations from Georgia Pellegrini.

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