
USFWS to Consider ESA Listing For Moose Subspecies

According to a June press release from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), along with help from the Michigan DNR, will be evaluating the merits of placing the northwestern subspecies of moose under the protection of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

African NGO Stands with NRA to Fight Animal Rights Extremism

As American hunters fight animal rights extremism on the home front, halfway across the world South Africa’s True Green Alliance is doing its part to save the future of hunting and wildlife conservation.

Anti-Hunters Pushing Trophy Import Bans in NJ and Surrounding States

As animal rights groups lobby for "Cecil’s Laws" in several northeastern states, here is the status of such bills, which only derail African wildlife conservation efforts and punish American hunters.

Trophy Hunting is Good for Conservation, Says IUCN Report

The April 2016 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a must read for hunters as the global organization showcases research touting the positive conservation impact of trophy hunting.

South Africa to Continue Rhino-Horn Trade Ban Despite Increase in Poaching

While the government of South Africa says its ban on rhino-horn trade will stop poaching and illegal trade, rhino owners and conservationists say the decades-old ban accomplishes the opposite.

How We Taxpayers Are Funding Anti-Hunting Group’s Attorney Fees

In lawsuit after lawsuit, here is how tax-exempt anti-hunting extremist groups are making the U.S. government—and American taxpayers—foot the bill for their massive litigation fees.

Federal Management in Question as Wolves Sport-Kill 19 Elk in One Attack?

Wyoming wolf pack's recent killing spree begs the question: Is USFWS management of wolves going to the dogs?

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection, the grizzly bear population in the Greater Yellowstone Area has recovered, prompting it to delist the iconic species and turn over its management to the states.

Poaching is Not Hunting

Make no mistake: Poachers are not hunters. Poachers are criminals and should be dealt with as such.

Namibia Crushes Anti-Hunters By Banning All Hunting Bans

Namibia understands where hunters’ dollars go as it welcomes hunters with open arms.

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