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Loaded for Leopard

Will Executive Editor Adam Heggenstaller's practice pay off as he hunts leopard in Namibia?

The Accidental Buffalo

The author is reminded of the old adage, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Anti-Hunters Cry Foul, but Rhino Auction Benefits Species

Anti-hunters may not like the idea, but one animal dying to save the species is a small price to pay for conservation.

An African Big-Game Hunt, Caprivi Style

Standing toe-to-toe with Earth’s largest land mammal makes one thing clear: Elephant hunting is not a task to be taken lightly.

Playing the Numbers Game at the SCI Convention

Safari Club International’s 42nd annual convention may be in Las Vegas, but attendees can play the numbers game without ever entering a casino.

Planning A Custom Rifle

If you're going to spend the money it takes to design a custom rifle, you'd better do it right—the first time. Keith Wood offers a few things to keep in mind when planning the long gun you've been dreaming about.

Is "Dangerous Game Hunting" Really That Dangerous?

The Myth: Dangerous game hunting isn’t really that dangerous.

Hunting Africa on a Budget

With some imagination, flexibility and patience a hunter may be able to save a few bucks when planning an African hunt of a lifetime.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

The Big Five

Renowned as the most dangerous game in Africa, the Big Five are a major milestone in any safari hunter’s career.

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