
Five Regional Wild Game Dishes

Recipes and cooking styles differ throughout the United States, and wild game isn't an exception. Here are five regional dishes you can infuse with game meat.

Deer Rifles

I’m just guessing, mind you, but I believe the first American deer rifle was the Model 94 Winchester. To be sure, a lot of deer fell to Model 73s, Marlins, Trapdoor Springfields and flintlocks, but the first sporting deer rifle was the 94. Since that iconic rifle there have been a whole lot more.

8 Ways to Ruin Hunting

Don’t be a goon. Avoid situations that make all hunters look bad.

Going to the Dogs

There are many advantages to running dogs for deer, but there are also some issues.

Venison Pizza

Just about everyone loves a good pizza. Make yours stand out by working in another favorite—venison.

A Wild Game Christmas

A selection of holiday wild game dishes from Georgia Pellegrini.

Women Steal, Run Over Hunter's Trophy Buck

It's no secret that being a braggart can get you into trouble sometimes, and Kelly Sokel certainly learned that last November.

Baltic Boar

More than an exciting challenge, a boar hunt in the forests of Lithuania serves as a not-so-subtle reminder that hunting is the gateway to adventure.

A Movie for Hunters Who Like Movies

It's no secret that Hollywood hasn't been much of friend to the American hunter in the last century. That said, if someone were to produce a modern hunting film, how would you want it to be done? Stephen Hunter has some ideas of his own.

Winchester SXP Field

The SXP is one of the best gun bargains available. Specific models are offered for hunting, targets and self-defense.

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