
Advice From Professional Hunters

An African safari can be one of the highlights of any hunter’s career. So you'll want to take strides to make sure you don't screw it up. Here's what a few Professional Hunters have to say about preparing for the Dark Continent.

An African Big-Game Hunt, Caprivi Style

Standing toe-to-toe with Earth’s largest land mammal makes one thing clear: Elephant hunting is not a task to be taken lightly.

Top 8 Bullets for African Plains Game

Let’s take a look at some of the best bullets for African plains game on the market.

5 Reasons to Learn How to Reload Ammunition

Here are five reasons why it’s worthwhile to start acquiring the knowledge and tools needed to reload your ammunition.

Bullets for African Plains Game

You’ve probably heard that African dangerous game can absorb five hits from an Abrams tank and keep on charging. You’ve probably heard that kudu, eland, wildebeest and even impala are so tough from evading lions and leopards they’ll soak up bullets that would floor a North American brown bear. Nonsense.

Losing to Leopard

Not every trip ends with a trophy. That said, in order to lose against a leopard, Executive Editor Adam Heggenstaller had to hunt one. Read his story here.

Use a Small Enough Gun

Weighing as little as 10 pounds, southern Africa’s often overlooked miniature antelope species require just as much consideration over caliber as their larger plains-game counterparts.

How to Make a Hunter

Lessons the author learned while introducing friends and family to our pastime can be brought to bear by other hunters who seek to add to our fold.

Rites of Passage on the Sands of Africa

A safari with his 11-year-old son offers a father a chance to reflect on a bond that makes any hunt special.

How to Build Killer Confidence Behind Your Rifle

Before fall big-game seasons begin, it’s important to build confidence in your rifle, ammo and optics—and how you perform with them in hand. To do so, it pays to put in practical range time, shooting not only from field positions but also building skill at quick, accurate follow-up shots.

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