
Ammo, Firearm, Archery Sales Boost Nation’s Wildlife Programs

Federal excise taxes collected on the sale of rifles, shotguns, handguns, ammunition and archery gear have nearly tripled during the past decade, boosting federal funding for the nation’s wildlife and hunter-education programs to record levels even though many handgun, ammo and archery buyers don’t hunt.

Thank You, Recreational Shooters!

The USFWS praises shooters’ contributions during National Shooting Sports Month.

4 Reasons Why You Should Book Your Dream Hunt Now

If you’ve been considering booking a once-in-a-lifetime hunt, there’s never been a better time than the present. Here’s why.

2021: The State of American Game, Thanks to America’s Hunters

Through the remarkable vision of conservationists including NRA members, Americans today see wildlife thriving from sea to sea.

HSUS Attempts to Drive Hunters, Shooters from Public Lands

NRA and other conservation organizations call for Interior Department to reject lead-ammo ban petition; Hornady urges hunters and shooters to take action.

Join the Hunt: Armed with Conservation

In our zeal to teach hunter-recruits marksmanship and fieldcraft we must not forget to arm them with the knowledge of everything American hunters have done to conserve our natural resources. A well-armed hunter, after all, is our best advertisement.

Why Your State Fish and Game Agency Needs to Build More Public Shooting Ranges

The surge in gun sales and shooting sports participation in recent years has fueled the need for ever-more places to shoot. Here’s an in-depth look at how state fish-and-game agencies use funds collected from excise taxes paid by gun and ammo buyers to build public shooting ranges.

NRA Staff Spotlight: Susan Recce

Meet NRA staff member Susan Recce.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Federal Premium

When you've got nearly a century under your belt, some interesting factoids tend to slip between the cracks and get forgotten. After a little detective work—and assistance from the folks in Anoka—we were able to assemble 10 facts that you might not know about Federal Premium Ammunition.

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