
Five Tips for Snow Geese Conservation Hunts

With the freedom to unplug your shotgun, use electronic calls and, best of all, no bag limits, a conservation snow goose hunt offers plenty of off-season fun.

Could Wind Energy Actually Benefit Waterfowl?

Is wind energy bad for waterfowl? It's something we've discussed here before, and a North Dakota study by Ducks Unlimited and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service in North Dakota found that when wind farms are placed on wetlands, breeding pairs of ducks are reduced by an average of 21 percent.

Are Windmills Killing Ducks?

Wind farms produce an increasing amount of the country's power, but how many migratory birds are lost in the effort?

Cash-Strapped Calif County Goes After Duck Hunters

As hunters we already pay more than our fair share to preserve publicly owned properties. We spend millions of dollars on licenses and assorted conservation stamps to preserve public lands, while hikers, campers, birdwatchers and more get to enjoy our woods and wetlands free of charge.

Hogs From On High

Hogs continue to spread throughout the country, doing untold amounts of property damages—leading some hunters to take to the air in a control effort.

BullShooters Book Review: Essential Liberty

As an avid reader, I’m often frustrated that few, if any, novels tackle the issues that concern us as gun owners.

Brothers in Bootlegging: A Review of Lawless

The dark and gritty Prohibition Era film is a solid end-of-summer movie, and it brings plenty of historical firepower to the silver screen.

Writer: Oiled Ducks Would Be Better Off Euthanized

My friend and fellow dog man Brian Lynn sure does know how to stir up trouble.

NRA Proposes National School Safety Program

EVP Wayne LaPierre Taps Asa Hutchinson to Head National School Shield Emergency Response Program.

5 Coyote Hunting Tips From the Pros

Use these five insider tips to hunt coyotes like a pro.

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