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Winter Reading

When it's 9 degrees and the wind won't quit, Dave Campbell's just fine with relaxing in his recliner, good book in hand. Here are a few of the gems he's found over the years.

Field Notes: .17 WSM

While everyone else was at the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, Dave Campbell was putting the hurt on a few prairie dogs. Along the way, he was left with a few impressions of .17 WSM, and he's ready to share.

Redneck Bowling

Dave Campbell's been off the grid for a little bit, thanks to a computer virus. He put the time to good use, though. Find out what he's been up to while he was away.

The .22 Long Rifle

For some two or three years finding .22 Long Rifle (LR) ammunition has been quite a challenge. In order to determine why, Dave Campbell takes a look at the cartridge's history.


Every hunter should know exactly where the point of impact is at 25 yards after he has sighted in his rifle. Need a first-hand account as to why? Let Dave Campbell explain.

Charlie the Ostrich

Many find the ostrich charming, but as anyone who participated in the quixotic enterprise of ostrich farming that was popular during the 1980s and ’90s will tell you, these are vicious birds that are very strong and dangerous. Dave Campbell had a close encounter of his own, with an ostrich dubbed 'Charlie.'

A Great Chisler Rifle: Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22

One of Dave Campbell's favorite things to do this time of year is shoot chislers. Whether you call them ground squirrels, gophers, picket pins or chislers, it’s a great way to sharpen your shooting and range-finding skills.

Cool It

Every year some unaware hunters—both human and canine—keel over from heat prostration. Many of them die. It isn’t necessary. Dave Campbell explains how to keep your favorite hunting buddy safe this season.

New AR Cartridge for Hunting

Sharps Rifle Company will bring more power to the AR platform with the .25-45 Sharps this summer.

Where's the .22 Rimfire?

It's the question that's been on consumers' minds for months: Where's the .22 rimfire? Here's an answer from inside the industry.

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