
“Enough Gun” Elk Cartridges

Bryce Towsely explores elk cartridges that are going to give you an edge in elk hunting. This—you can be sure—is not an article about “adequate” elk cartridges.

Thompson/Center Venture

The T/C Venture is a must-have rifle for any deer hunter who's looking for an inexpensive and comparable alternative to the more premium choices.

When African Animals Attack

No other hunting destination on earth sees as many fatalities and injuries as Africa. Read the details of some of the Dark Continent's most vicious encounters.

How to Take Care of Your Muzzleloader

There’s nothing worse than a muzzleloader that goes “Pfffttt” instead of “Boom!” And why does it seem that failures occur most often during late-season hunts?

The Coyote Caller’s Playbook

Here the author offers up tips on how to lure in predators that have learned prey-in-distress calls are too good to be true.

XS Ghost Ring Hunter Sights

XS’ peep sight is simple and made of steel, so it’s extremely tough; you don't have to worry about knocking it out of zero during a pickup ride.

Beat the Odds on Big-Game Tag Draws

Every hunter can belly up to the table where the stakes are America’s most coveted big-game tags.

Luck of the Tag Draw

Every big-game hunt is a great opportunity, but not every hunt will turn out as you hope, because getting lucky in the draw is just the first hurdle.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

How to Fix Your Gun in the Field

Here are a few of the more common gun problems that can occur in the field and how to deal with them without ending your hunt.

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