
Sneak Peek: Wby X

Get a closer look at the recently unveiled Wby X line from Weatherby.

Field Judging Whitetails

Before you pull the trigger or release an arrow, do you know how to field judge a whitetail deer’s antlers? Those who hunt simply to fill the freezer, this is not really an issue. But for those who are hoping to shoot a buck with antlers that meet or exceed a certain numeric score, more often than not, overestimate the size of the antlers, leading to that common malady known as “ground shrinkage.”

The New Bang for the Buck

Never hunted with an AR-15 rifle? Try it, you’ll like it. The author did.

Should You Shoot Spikes?

Do spike bucks have inferior genetics? Will culling them improve the quality of your deer population? Should you shoot spikes? The buck stops here.

Are Whitetail Populations Destined to Decline?

Deer populations are down by about 2.8 million since 2008. Some biologists are alarmed by this, while others believe it’s natural and healthy for the overall herd.

Intracranial Abscessation in Deer

During this year’s whitetail rut, perhaps you observed a buck fight. While most “fights” are just pushing and shoving matches often involving young bucks that don’t even know they are bucks yet, others are very aggressive encounters.

Q&A with Hunting Guide Rachel Ahtila

Ever wondered what it's like to be a hunting guide? Rachel Ahtila, a guide from British Columbia, talks about guiding, guns and her hunting aspirations.

Wounded and Lost

We don’t like to talk about our misses, or worse, our bad hits—but they happen. If it hasn’t happened to you, you probably haven’t hunted much. What does it feel like? Keith Wood explains.

Hunting in My Socks

Reminiscent of boyhood adventures, the author gives new meaning to back to basics as he stalks the hills and hones his skills—in his stocking feet.

Where the Wild Roam: A B.C. Hunt for a Meat Moose

A hunt in British Columbia for the world’s largest deer offers sheer challenge, adventure and the chance to put hundreds of pounds of meat in the freezer—if you can find a bull in all that wilderness.

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