
SCI Continues to Monitor UK’s Animal Welfare Proposals

Safari Club International (SCI) strongly opposes many of the proposals in the current animal welfare Action Plan being considered in the United Kingdom (UK), proposals which are unsupported by scientific evidence and will harm wildlife conservation efforts inside and outside of the U.K.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

California Doctor and Avid Hunter Speaks Out, Highlights Critical Threats to Hunting in a State Fueled by Anti-Hunting Extremists

Facing increasing threats to hunting from anti-hunting extremists, San Francisco Bay-area doctor Arnold Goldschlager calls state's hunters to pressure Gov. Brown to fill the two vacancies on the Fish and Game Commission with pro-hunters.

Attention Hunters: Vote Online Now to Protect Hunting, Then Tune in for Live ‘Hunters Conserve Wildlife’ Debate Against Noted Anti-Hunting Extremists in NYC on May 4

American hunters know their role in wildlife conservation is not up for debate—except on May 4 as two prominent hunting community reps take the stage against two fanatical anti-hunting extremists.

New Jersey Governor Bans Bear Hunting on State-Owned Lands

A bear hunting ban was implemented on state-owned land by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, even though the state’s growing bear population is one of the healthiest in the Nation.

Federal Judge Returns Grizzlies to Protected Status

A federal judge has reinstated federal protection for grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, canceling scheduled hunts in Idaho and Wyoming.

PETA Kills More Animals Than NJ Bear Hunters

According to the Daily Caller, the Center for Consumer Freedom published a Virginia report tallying the number of dogs and cats killed by the “animal lovers” at PETA last year. According to the report, when PETA folks weren’t getting naked in public places and throwing red paint on fur coat owners, they killed a bumper crop of animals.

Should Lion Hunting be Banned?

There is an effort underway to list the African Lion as an endangered species in the U.S. As the nation that produces the most lion hunters (60 percent according to African officials), such a designation would have a tremendous effect on the safari industry in Africa. But is it the right move for the lion?

AKC to PETA: Stop Killing Dogs

The American Kennel Club has issued a letter demanding that PETA stop killing the dogs that it purports to protect.

Wolves Are An "Economic Boon?"

HSUS is helping petition Michigan to repeal a law that has opened up wolf hunting in the state's northern most regions.

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