
Hunting Spring Squirrels

Spring squirrel hunting is a great way to expand your season and avoid the off-season blues.

4 Safety Tips for Hunting Dogs

Here are a few tips to ensure your four-legged hunting companion stays as safe as possible in the field.

Deer Hunting: Post-Season Scouting Equals Next-Season Success

While the art of last-minute scouting won’t soon disappear, most hunters know they’d be better served having been better prepared. The season’s end is the best time to get the drop on deer movement and behavior. And you don’t have to worry about busting your spot putting boots on the ground.

Things I (Just About) Always Carry Afield

Some things should always be at a hunter's side, some are nice comforts and some may save your life. Here's what you should consider taking into the field.

10 Reasons Hunters Hate Summer

From the stifling heat, to the dwindling amount of wild game in the freezer, to insect bites and poison ivy, there's plenty for hunters to hate about the off-season.

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