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St. Pierre: Can Field Trial Dogs Make Good Gun Dogs?

My buddy Bob St. Pierre at Pheasants Forever has asked one of those can-of-worms type questions: Can field trial dogs produce great hunting dogs?

Did You Know: Hunting Dogs Dominate State Breeds

Only a handful of states across the nation have named official canine representatives, but there seems to be a common thread among those that do: they have a habit of choosing breeds that have ties to hunting.

Best All ’Round Hunting Dog?

For as long as there have been different breeds of gundog, there have been hunters arguing for the merit of one breed over the other. So, which canine really is the best all-around hunting dog? Ron Spomer thinks he has the answer.

Best-Dressed Hunting Dogs

Forget the knitted sweaters and red bandanas; think protection, not fashion, before saddling any hard-running field dog with garments.

Wolves Kill Wisconsin Hunting Dogs in Four Attacks

Four hunting dogs have been reported killed by wolves this month in Wisconsin.

Dog Food for Working Dogs

Is your dog eating right for your hunt? Ron Spomer shares some insight into what you should be feeding your gun dog.

Under the Southern Frost

A blanket of snow and ice isn't unfamiliar terrain for many deer hunters. Running into those conditions in Florida, however? Not quite as common. Keith Wood found himself on such a hunt during this past topsy-turvy winter. Find out how at least one Floridian fared when forced to stalk whitetail in a not-often-seen winter wonderland.

Spanish Hunting Dog Has Green Puppies

Aida Vallelado Molina of Laguna de Duero, Spain, has delivered many litters of hunting dogs, but none with such shocking results: On June 3, her dog had a litter of five puppies, two of which were the color green.

One Dog to Rule Them All

If you haven’t the space, finances nor stamina to keep two hunting dogs—one that points, and one that flushes and retrieves—then get in line for a versatile hunting dog.

From Field to Frontline

Think German shepherds are the only dogs fit for duty? English springer spaniels and other hunting breeds increasingly are the dogs of choice for bomb sniffing, narcotics detection and search-and-rescue operations.

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