
HSUS Dupes Donors in Favor of Bankrolling Attacks on NRA and American Hunters

Sorry pet shelters: This new video from HumaneWatch.org shows how the HSUS would rather spend chunks of its $140 million budget to try and label American hunters as murderers and ban hunting ammunition in efforts to shut down hunting.

FOX News Airs Latest Round of Attack Ads Exposing HSUS Deception

Viewers are will get the scoop on HSUS’ fraudulent fundraising tactics this week as HumaneWatch.org’s anti-HSUS ads hit the “The O’Reilly Factor” and “The Kelly File.”

National Hunting Debate: Why We Need to Win, Why We Will Win

Next week a lot of people who normally give no thought to hunting will hear reasoned arguments for all the good it does. A nationwide audience including representatives from the media, academia and public-policy institutions will be paying attention on Wednesday, May 4, from 6:45–8 p.m., when the syndicated radio program Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) hosts a live debate titled “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” at New York City’s Kaufman Center.

Video: NRA’s Chris Cox Marks Hunters’ Call to Action

Both in content and delivery, this is a must-see video as NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox addresses American hunters in the do-or-die fight to save hunting at last week’s SCI show.

Super Bowl Ad Uncovers HSUS Donor Fraud

Millions of viewers learned about the fraudulent fundraising tactics of the HSUS last night, thanks to this Super Bowl ad.

NRA Fights Litany of State-and-Local-Level Ivory-Ban Proposals

NRA roundup cites multiple states, Washington, D.C., and the HSUS.

Ruling on Great Lakes Wolves a Starting Point for State Management

On Aug. 1, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., handed down its 54-page ruling on Great Lakes wolves: Gray wolves will remain protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and state management will not be allowed. While the ruling doesn’t immediately remove federal protections from wolves in the Western Great Lakes states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, the court’s decision regarding the important issue of a “distinct population segment” (DPS) is a win for sportsmen.

Management by Emotion

I see that my birth state—California—has not relinquished its stranglehold on the notion that the only proper way to manage its wildlife is through emotion. California has become the laughingstock of the nation for its polices, ranging from cultural to fiscal to wildlife management, and continues down that road with absolutely no remorse.

Wolves Are An "Economic Boon?"

HSUS is helping petition Michigan to repeal a law that has opened up wolf hunting in the state's northern most regions.

Neon NYC Billboard Exposes HSUS’ Fraudulent Fundraising

New York City’s Time Square is certainly packed with billboards, but here’s a neon pink one you can’t miss as HumaneWatch.org calls out the HSUS for its lies and deception.

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