
2011 Flood Ramifications

Does a ruthless winter and sopping wet spring spell boom or bust for waterfowlers and upland hunters?

Should You Move Your Stand?

During the whitetail rut there are two schools of thought when it comes to hanging stands.

Do You Need a 40-Yard Pin?

Bowhunting is a game conducive to thick cover, tight quarters and close shots. That most bowhunters set their stands for in-your-face encounters is highlighted by a survey I saw recently.

Could Wind Energy Actually Benefit Waterfowl?

Is wind energy bad for waterfowl? It's something we've discussed here before, and a North Dakota study by Ducks Unlimited and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service in North Dakota found that when wind farms are placed on wetlands, breeding pairs of ducks are reduced by an average of 21 percent.

Are Windmills Killing Ducks?

Wind farms produce an increasing amount of the country's power, but how many migratory birds are lost in the effort?

Cash-Strapped Calif County Goes After Duck Hunters

As hunters we already pay more than our fair share to preserve publicly owned properties. We spend millions of dollars on licenses and assorted conservation stamps to preserve public lands, while hikers, campers, birdwatchers and more get to enjoy our woods and wetlands free of charge.

Waterfowler Numbers Take a Dive

Recent trends indicate that waterfowlers are ditching their duck blinds for deer stands.

Taxidermy Tips

Don't wait until your trophy is on the ground to decide how you want to preserve the moment.

Brothers in Bootlegging: A Review of Lawless

The dark and gritty Prohibition Era film is a solid end-of-summer movie, and it brings plenty of historical firepower to the silver screen.

Dumb Poacher Stories: Sept. 2012 Edition

Different seasons have opened around the country, and the rest of the fall and winter seasons are just around the corner.

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