
Five Bizarre Bear Attacks

Frank Miniter, author of The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide, dug up these five bloody tales that prove anything is possible when it comes to bear attacks.

Be a Hunting Activist

Invite your neighbors or your children’s friends. Live and save the outdoor lifestyle. The natural world is better off when we take part in it.

Why We Love Dogs

It is said that you should never insult a man’s gun or his dog.I thinkfurther emphasis ought to be on the dog.

5 Things Kids Can Teach Us About Hunting

While there is much we can teach our kids about hunting, fishing, conservation and the environment, more often than not they can teach us, too.

10 Reasons Why Hunting Beats Fishing

While many sportsmen and women hunt and fish, few would pick fishing over hunting if given the choice, and here are 10 reasons why.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

Quick Ideas for Summer Food Plots

These organic deer magnets can attract and hold whitetails in an area where they otherwise might not stay for long.

Tips for Early-Season Waterfowl Hunting

No need to wait until the weather turns mind numbingly cold to take down some waterfowl—early season hunts offer abundant opportunity.

6 Reasons Everyone Should Hunt

Safe, healthy, affordable—here are the top six reasons everyone should hunt.

The Good Old Days?

When I was young (how I regret that phrase), the old guys used to bore me with stories of how much better the hunting was, how much better the guns were, how much better—and simpler—cars and trucks were or even how much prettier the girls were when they were young. Now that I am among the old guys I am sometimes tempted to wax similarly. But was it really better 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years ago?

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