
What is Hunting Pressure?

Deer respond differently to hunting pressure, but all seek refuge within their known home range, not the next county.

Columbus Welcomes the Bowhunting World

If you couldn’t make it to the 2010 Archery Trade Association Trade Show this year, here’s a few notes on what you missed.

Conditioning To the E-Collar

Using a solid training regimen in conjunction with today’s finely tuned e-collars is one of the surest means to a happy dog and trainer alike.

Where B&C Bucks Are Coming From

Hunters registered more Boone and Crockett Club whitetails during the past 10 years than in any decade before. Some of the hotspots will surprise you.

Guided Hunting Trips Gone Wrong

Guided hunting horror stories. If you have been at it long enough, you’ve heard about them from friends. Check out these five ways to avoid getting ripped off.

Debunking 6 Deer Hunting Myths

The more deer hunting myths debunked the better. That's a fact. This is my attempt to take down hunting's overused cliches, one fact-less myth at a time.

Waterfowling America's Rivers

Need a new duck hunting spot? Open a map. See those blue lines? They're rivers. They are duck highways. Now all you have to do is follow the advice in this article.

Les Baer Custom Super Varmint

The Les Baer Custom Super Varmint makes an excellent rifle not only for varmint hunters but for benchrest shooters and police SWAT units as well.

Do You Need a 40-Yard Pin?

Bowhunting is a game conducive to thick cover, tight quarters and close shots. That most bowhunters set their stands for in-your-face encounters is highlighted by a survey I saw recently.

Illinois Hunter Tags a 30-Pointer…Doe!

Say you are out for a morning on the deer stand. You’re looking for a decent buck, but your scouting revealed that the best you can hope for is an 8-pointer.

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