
Addicted to Shed Hunting

For guys like Jeremiah Waugh, shed hunting is an addiction. He's only one of the many western hunters joining a cult-like following of the "sport."

Confessions Of An Obsessive Backpacker

Not that anyone who hunts passionately in Africa is “normal,” but even by the standards of obsessive safari addicts, I stand out as, well, a bit strange.

5 Reasons Why Hunting Alaska is Better Than Africa

Generally speaking, hunting in Alaska is more expensive than hunting African plains game. But if Bob Robb had to choose one, he’d take Alaska every time. Here's why.

Where's the Bull?

Even in the very best elk country, locating a bull to hunt can be time consuming and downright frustrating.

The Coyote Caller’s Playbook

Here the author offers up tips on how to lure in predators that have learned prey-in-distress calls are too good to be true.

Luck of the Tag Draw

Every big-game hunt is a great opportunity, but not every hunt will turn out as you hope, because getting lucky in the draw is just the first hurdle.

Goat Straight, No Chaser

They say a winter goat hunt can lead to a short climb. They also say it can be the toughest hunt of all.

Overlooked Mountain Gobblers

You can find active birds in the mountains, where few hunters tread.

8 Biggest Preseason Blunders

This fall promises to be the best hunting season of your life—but only if you properly prepare. Don't commit these common mistakes.

Getting Ready for Western Hunting

I’ve seen countless middle-aged hunters who have finally reached the point in life that they can afford to go on some cool hunts, but are in such poor shape they either can’t get the most out of their adventure, or have their hunt ruined completely.

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