
Ducks Unlimited Softshell Jacket

Whitewater Outdoors is strategically partnering with Ducks Unlimited to introduce a new line of duck hunting clothing for all seasons.

Hunt Safely on the Water This Winter

The majority of sportsman fatalities on the water are preventable. Follow these steps to avoid becoming another statistic.

How to Make the Most of Late-Season Geese

For the resident goose hunter, the season goes on, but tactics must change for continued success.

Farmer's Shotgun Blast Halts Rabid Bear

Some marvel at the terminal energy of the .338 Lapua. Others do the same for the .50 BMG. Personally it's the versatility and power of the 12-gauge shotgun that most intrigues me. Its close-range energy is just devastating—the equivalent of about four simultaneous rounds of .45 ACP.

Cash-Strapped Calif County Goes After Duck Hunters

As hunters we already pay more than our fair share to preserve publicly owned properties. We spend millions of dollars on licenses and assorted conservation stamps to preserve public lands, while hikers, campers, birdwatchers and more get to enjoy our woods and wetlands free of charge.

Waterfowler Numbers Take a Dive

Recent trends indicate that waterfowlers are ditching their duck blinds for deer stands.

Duck Populations Hit All-Time High

We duck hunters are prone to irrational optimism. How else do you explain a group of people who can spend an entire day freezing our butts off in windy, pounding surf for just a duck or two (if we're lucky), only to go home, convince ourselves tomorrow will be better, and do it all over again? All we need is the slightest indication the duck hunting may improve.

Canada Beckons

The diversity of species, nonstop action and generous bag limits offered by Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are arguably unrivaled by any U.S. destination.

Writer: Oiled Ducks Would Be Better Off Euthanized

My friend and fellow dog man Brian Lynn sure does know how to stir up trouble.

Fight Invasive Species: Wash Your Duck Dog

Here's a photo of me doing my best, apparently, to prevent the spread of invasive species. You see, the non-profit conservation group Wildlife Forever (WF) has launched a campaign encouraging duck hunters to wash their dogs, lest our furry mutts spread invasive aquatic species such as the dreaded zebra mussel.

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