Washington State Flag Lead

Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Appointment Violated Law But Governor Doesn’t Care

The Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation presented oral arguments to Washington Supreme Court.

The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Debating Anti-Hunters Part II

The author had an exchange about the local coyote population in Northern Virginia with a woman on social media. Their discussion serves as a good follow-up to his last article on handling anti-hunters.

The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Debating Anti-Hunters

Any seasoned hunter could be accused occasionally of trying to out-shout an anti-hunter. But most of us also should follow our own advice: first count to 10. Then, and only then, calmly hit ’em with the facts.

Join the Hunt: Armed with Conservation

In our zeal to teach hunter-recruits marksmanship and fieldcraft we must not forget to arm them with the knowledge of everything American hunters have done to conserve our natural resources. A well-armed hunter, after all, is our best advertisement.

Dos and Don’ts When Talking About Hunting

You wouldn’t go hunting without proper preparation; likewise, it’s equally important to prepare to communicate effectively about hunting before you find yourself trying to defend it.

Join the Hunt: Argue to Succeed

Most Americans do not disapprove of hunting. Then again, most Americans don’t really understand much about conservation. As we advocate for hunting’s role on our landscape, it’s important to note arguments that work and don’t work when speaking with nonhunters and anti-hunters.

How to Take Better Trophy Photos

Close out of Candy Crush and realize that in your hands you hold one of the best cameras for making fabulous trophy photos. Study your smartphone’s camera modes and remember these tips to make memories that hold up forever.

Hunters Not Happy with MeatEater’s Anti-R3 Jab

Article written by MeatEater founder's brother has the potential to divide hunters, but we should not let that happen.

Media Matters: The R3 Power of TV And Film

With media consumption and its influence at an all-time high, positive Hollywood-depictions of hunting may provide a way to introduce new hunters to our ranks.

How to Successfully Debate Anti-Hunters

Debating an anti-hunter can quickly become a lesson in futility if you don’t have your arguments in order. Our author passes on a few tricks learned from a recent seminar on the topic.

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