Norma cartridge cases are known worldwide for superior quality, and now they're going to be readily available to American handloaders. The brass cases, which are being imported from Sweden by Norma-USA, were on display alongside the latest edition of the company's handloading manual at the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits.
The brass cases will ship in packs of 25. Engineered from the best raw materials with the narrowest tolerances, each case delivers round after round of accuracy. They'll be showing up in force on gun shop shelves this year.
Also new is the latest edition of the company's reloading manual. As part of Norma’s 110 years in the ammunition industry, it's publishing a second reloading handbook for the beginner to the advanced handloader. The new volume has been updated with new cartridges, components and recipes for avid hunters to dedicated target shooters.
The manual shares the history behind the Norma brand and a plethora of solidly backed advice and loads—all of which use Norma's own products. It's a unique offering that doubles as a collectible edition and just a darn useful resource.
For more information, check out the video embedded, or go to Norma-USA.com.