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Sitka Gear Releases Conservation Impact Report

Sitka Gear has released its first Conservation Impact Report, highlighting the firm’s portfolio of grants, conservation partnerships and the contributions each have made to ecosystem restoration and wildlife conservation.

USFWS Proposes Improved Hunting Access on Refuges

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced a proposal to add “… 53 new distinct hunting and sport fishing opportunities on approximately 211,000 acres nationwide in the National Wildlife Refuge System” on Aug. 1. The change will improve access for sportsmen in Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

U.S. FWS Debuts New Federal and Junior Duck Stamps

Hunters, bird watchers, stamp collectors, and artists celebrated as the 2024-2025 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp—commonly known as the Duck Stamp—went on sale.

Firearm Industry Taxes Total $17 Billion Toward Wildlife Conservation Since 1937

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) announced in May that firearm and ammunition manufacturers have handed over more than $17 billion in excise taxes to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its 1937 inception.

NRA Applauds Defeat of Vermont Bill That Would Stack Fish and Wildlife Board Against Hunting

Vermont senate bill that would stack fish and wildlife board with non-hunters is defeated.

Comment Period for BLM Sage Grouse Conservation Closing

Back in March, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a draft plan to strengthen greater sage-grouse conservation and management on public lands. The period for public comment on said plan ends this Thursday. Read on for more on both the draft plan, and how to comment.

Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative Reaches Milestone with 500th Grant

Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, has announced that its Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (OAI) awarded 500 grants nationwide, in support of public land access.

DU Surpasses Conservation Milestone

For the first time in its 87-year history, Ducks Unlimited has delivered one-million acres of conservation across North America in a single year, thanks to more than a million supporters and partners including private landowners, hunters, corporations, major donors, and state and federal agencies.

Mossy Oak Releases 2024 Wild Turkey Conservation Stamp

Mossy Oak has released its third annual wild turkey conservation stamp—a collectible stamp in which all proceeds go directly to wild turkey conservation projects around the country.

Vermont Considers Expanding Wildlife Board to Non-Hunters

A bill has passed the Vermont Senate seeking to expand the state's Fish and Wildlife Board to non hunters, while simultaneously amending state law to ban some hunting practices.

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