Wildlife For The 21St Century Lede 2

Conservation Policy Recommendations in Seventh Edition of Wildlife for the 21st Century

The American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP)—comprised of the nation’s top 52 sporting-conservation organizations, including the NRA—released its Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII (W-21) on Sept. 11.

Vermont Considers Expanding Wildlife Board to Non-Hunters

A bill has passed the Vermont Senate seeking to expand the state's Fish and Wildlife Board to non hunters, while simultaneously amending state law to ban some hunting practices.

NRA Donates $122,720 to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

The National Rifle Association is pleased to announce a donation of more than $120,000 earlier this month to the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission thanks to the overwhelming use of NRA’s free Online Hunter Education course by Oklahoma residents in 2021.

Join the Hunt: Armed with Conservation

In our zeal to teach hunter-recruits marksmanship and fieldcraft we must not forget to arm them with the knowledge of everything American hunters have done to conserve our natural resources. A well-armed hunter, after all, is our best advertisement.

Dos and Don’ts When Talking About Hunting

You wouldn’t go hunting without proper preparation; likewise, it’s equally important to prepare to communicate effectively about hunting before you find yourself trying to defend it.

Theodore Roosevelt and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th president, was perhaps the most forward-thinking hunter-conservationist in our nation’s history. He also was an NRA Life member. Learn how his vision and leadership created what today we call the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

2021: The State of American Game, Thanks to America’s Hunters

Through the remarkable vision of conservationists including NRA members, Americans today see wildlife thriving from sea to sea.

Join the Hunt: Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Along with the R3 movement (recruit, retain, reactivate), to save hunting’s future we must focus the next generation not only on the fun, physical challenges and nutritious, tasty meals inherent in hunting but also on how it cultivates wisdom and strengthens character.

In Search of The Lonesome Whistle

Prairie Wildlife, a 6,500-acre property in West Point, Miss., is an epicenter of habitat and species management focused on the return of the bobwhite quail.

The Future of Hunting in America

To prevent the future decay of our sport, we need to be open and honest about what it is we do. We need to encourage new and prospective hunters with the unbiased, unapologetic and totally exciting truth: Hunting is just plain cool.

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