Primetime Duck Moves Lead

Primetime Duck Moves

Scout, mind the weather, carry the right decoys, remain mobile—there’s a lot a duck hunter must do to be successful. With the right tools and the wisdom to make them all work, you can meet changing conditions all season long.

Duck Hunting: How to Chart the Perfect Float Trip

Stealthily gliding down a slow stream in a canoe is a fabulous way for two duck hunters to spend a morning. It doesn’t take too many turns of a river to figure out which way the shooter in the bow wants to be facing when the ducks rise.

What to Do When Elk Ignore Your Calls

Shooting a bull as it comes stomping to your calls is an adrenaline rush, surely, but you need to be ready for silence. Here’s how to work your calls on low or mute.

Rattling Whitetails 101

Over the years the author has rattled bucks into point-blank distance many times. He’s here to tell you the practice works.

5 Rules for Public Land Elk Hunting

Public-land elk hunting challenges even the best hunters. Success requires an understanding of the unit and property owners within, plus all the terrain throughout that might support a herd.

A 3-Step Plan to Tag a Tom

Here’s a basic three-step turkey hunting plan devised to put the odds in your favor this spring.

Turkey Calling by Subspecies

Ever wonder whether the difference between turkey subspecies extends to calling as well? We take a look at the different strategies used to hunt different birds.

Why There’s No Turkey Like the Eastern

Eastern birds just seem to be wiser and uncannily adept at escaping us. If you don’t believe it, you’d best read this before trying your luck on an Eastern tom.

How to Stalk Your Way to a Frustrating Tom

When the birds clam up and refuse to come to calls, you need to go to them. Where safe and legal, stalking and fanning a tom works wonders. Read this then try low-crawling.

Q&A With a Whitetail Fanatic

How to blow a whitetail hunt, and lessons from the man who saved it.

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