Hunter Shooting Down A Hill

Long-Range Hunting: Bring Enough Gun

There seems these days to be a “race to the bottom” among hunters who like to hunt and shoot long with smaller and smaller cartridges at greater and greater range. The practice ignores sage advice.

Duck Hunting: How to Chart the Perfect Float Trip

Stealthily gliding down a slow stream in a canoe is a fabulous way for two duck hunters to spend a morning. It doesn’t take too many turns of a river to figure out which way the shooter in the bow wants to be facing when the ducks rise.

How to Hunt the North Woods Without Snow

In the North Woods, when no snow covers the ground, you won't see deer by any hunting method unless you first find woods with sign. The most successful hunters here, regardless of the weather, are adaptable.

How to Hunt Safely Into Old Age

Hunters armed with the wisdom of age plan for eventualities like ailments, first-aid emergencies and remote communication. Everyone else should heed sage advice if they want to become an old hunter.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Hunting Public-Land Bucks

Perhaps the best thing a hunter can do to up their odds on public land is to cover a trail a buck uses to get to his bed at daylight. Look closely to find it, because you can be sure it won’t be covered in sign.

Review: Traditions Outfitter G3 Pro Series

The Outfitter G3 Pro Series is very ergonomic, accurate and easy to shoot. Pricing is reasonable and, depending on the cartridge chosen, this single shot rifle is suitable for hunting anything in North America.

Review: CVA Cascade SR-80

The Cascade SR-80 is a versatile Scout Rifle designed for close-range, quick target acquisition hunting.

Col. Townsend Whelen: Mr. Rifleman’s Vermont Retreat

Modern gun writers owe Col. Townsend Whelen a huge debt for clearing the path.

Silent Fall: Hunting with Suppressors

The use of silencers, er, suppressors, by American hunters is a long overdue trend.

Review: Ruger Super Redhawk .22 Hornet

The Super Redhawk has long been known as a durable, dependable DA/SA revolver for the handgun hunter or backcountry defender. Now the platform has expanded into the light-shooting varminting realm with .22 Hornet.

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