
How to Keep Your Gundog Calm and Collected

Taking the jitters out of your hunting dog might be easier said than done. If you think you’ve exhausted all your options, why not try the “medicinal” solution.

Gundogs: Gear Up for Spring Training

Bird seasons are months away, but right now is prime time for getting your dog back into the swing of things. Make the most of it by having the right gear on hand.

Gundogs: Summer Fitness

Want a bird dog that'll run like the wind all day? He may have all the hunting drive in the world, but he won't last long if you take him hunting without getting him in shape first.

Gundogs: Patience Pays

At some point we all face a recalcitrant dog that just won’t do what it is commanded to do. At these times it’s critical to distinguish mistakes from willful disobedience.

Gundogs: Take a Summer Swim

The dog days of July and August are a misnomer. Hunting dogs need action, but it’s too hot for exercise. Neither old Drake nor young Lady can afford to vegetate now. Hunting season is just around the corner. In a month or two they’ll launch all-out assaults on fields and meadows, woods and waters. How do you get them in shape for that without killing them?

Gundogs: Stop Hard-Mouth Before It Starts

Poor training or breeding can leave any dog with a bad case of hard-mouth, but with a bit of work it can be corrected.


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