
Field to Table: How to Care for Game Meat

When you eat what you kill, it’s your job to ensure your prime cuts stay in prime condition between the field and the fork.

Join the Hunt: Save Money, Eat Game

It’s true out-of-state tags aren’t a cost-effective way to fill the freezer, but there are savings to be found at Mother Nature’s local meat market.

Recipe: Wild Game Pie

This wild game pie has it all, with a delicious ‘comfort food’ taste that’s sure to have your family and friends begging for seconds.

Why Hunt?

Despite what the anti-hunting crowd would like non-hunters to believe, the ethos of hunting is rooted in something far deeper than trophies.

The Smart Way to Pack Out Elk

Elk country presents its share of challenges, especially when a bull dies in a deep, dark hole. Follow our man’s tips the next time an elk’s death throes force you into a precarious recovery position.

Why Donating Venison Matters

While it’s easy to recognize the benefits of programs like Hunters for the Hungry, sharing game meat has a host of other positive impacts that are more difficult to quantify.

Making Meat: How to Be Your Own Butcher

Follow these guidelines on how to cool, cut, age, prep and cook game meat, and you’ll never hear complaints about “gamey” flavor again.

Recipe: Corned Wild Game

Corned game is a great dish for hunting camp, where you can brine meat ahead of time and cook it while out hunting.

Recipe: Wild Game Leberkäse (German Meatloaf)

This south-German specialty-dish can be sliced for sandwich meat and served on a bun with mustard and pickles, or pan-fried until golden brown.

Recipe: Venison Tourtière

Tourtière, or meat pie, is a traditional French-Canadian dish often served at special events or holidays. They're also sure to be a hit in any hunting camp.

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