NRA Victory on Lead Ammunition

In December 2014, Congress approved the Fiscal Year 2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. Included in the act were a number of pro-gun provisions pushed by NRA-ILA that prevent the Obama administration from implementing its anti-gun agenda.

Vintage Blacktails: Why Every Hunt is Connected to the Land

A hunt at a California winery is evidence that our pastime, like winemaking, is intrinsically tied to the land.

NRA Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to California’s One-Gun-Per-Month Restriction

Your NRA has filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Nguyen v. Bonta. Nguyen is a challenge to California’s law prohibiting the purchase of more than one firearm within any 30-day period.

Indiana Artist Wins California Upland Game Bird Stamp Art Contest

A painting of mountain quail has been chosen by a panel of judges as the winning entry in the 2021-2022 California Upland Game Bird Stamp Art Contest. The painting was created by Jeffrey Klinefelter of Etna Green, Indiana.

Florida Artist Wins 2022 California Duck Stamp Contest

A painting by John Brennan of Lutz, Florida has been chosen as the winner of the 2022 California Duck Stamp Art Contest.

Maryland Artist Wins 2021 California Duck Stamp Contest

A painting by Diane Ford of Bethesda, Md., has been selected as the winner of the 2021 California Duck Stamp Art Contest.

California Officials Kill Aggressive Mountain Lion

California's something of a hotbed for mountain lion sightings. If you recall, a few weeks ago, I shared the video of a cougar taking an early morning stroll through the Hollywood Hills suburbs. Earlier this week, a family a run-in of their own with one of the big cats in nearby Orange County—and the result was substantially scarier.

Montana Outdoor Group Shutters Montana Rifle Company

Montana Outdoor Group, a private investor group that acquired Montana Rifle Company in early 2019, has closed the company's doors pending fiscal restructuring.

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