Black Bear Lede 2

Fatal Black Bear Attack in California

A black bear attack in the small California community of Downieville, which resulted in a woman's death, has proven to be the first such fatality in the history of the state.

NRA Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to California’s One-Gun-Per-Month Restriction

Your NRA has filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Nguyen v. Bonta. Nguyen is a challenge to California’s law prohibiting the purchase of more than one firearm within any 30-day period.

Vintage Blacktails: Why Every Hunt is Connected to the Land

A hunt at a California winery is evidence that our pastime, like winemaking, is intrinsically tied to the land.

America’s First Waterfowl Refuge is Dry

For the first time since its inception, America’s first National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), the Klamath Basin, is dry. Despite being established for waterfowl conservation purposes by Theodore Roosevelt, millions of migratory waterfowl, shorebirds and other essential wildlife species will not have anywhere there or at neighboring Tule Lake NWR to rest, refuel and prepare for their migration.

Florida Artist Wins 2022 California Duck Stamp Contest

A painting by John Brennan of Lutz, Florida has been chosen as the winner of the 2022 California Duck Stamp Art Contest.

Indiana Artist Wins California Upland Game Bird Stamp Art Contest

A painting of mountain quail has been chosen by a panel of judges as the winning entry in the 2021-2022 California Upland Game Bird Stamp Art Contest. The painting was created by Jeffrey Klinefelter of Etna Green, Indiana.

Maryland Artist Wins 2021 California Duck Stamp Contest

A painting by Diane Ford of Bethesda, Md., has been selected as the winner of the 2021 California Duck Stamp Art Contest.

Brownells Resumes Shipment of Standard Capacity Mags to California

In the wake of a ruling by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brownells has resumed selling its full lineup of rifle, pistol and shotgun magazines to California customers.

Montana Outdoor Group Shutters Montana Rifle Company

Montana Outdoor Group, a private investor group that acquired Montana Rifle Company in early 2019, has closed the company's doors pending fiscal restructuring.

New California Ammo Regulations Drive Hunters From the Field

California's most recent package of firearm regulations were implemented this past year, and, as usual, they've done more harm than good. These new laws, full of red-tape hurdles, are driving hunters to quit hunting.

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