
How to Age a Whitetail

How can you tell the difference between a 2½-year-old buck and a mature 5½-year-old deer in those few tense seconds before you shoot or don’t shoot? Start by familiarizing yourself with the ever-changing features of the whitetail buck.

How to Find More Sheds

While there are no longer many secrets when it comes to successful shed hunting, here are a few tactics you can employ to not only increase your annual antler haul, but find the headgear of a particular buck, or bucks, you may be targeting as well.

How to Cook Wild Game in a Dutch Oven

Tips for cooking in the classic cast-iron Dutch oven.

5 Buck Tips Straight from the Biologists

Here are several things GPS-collar studies are teaching us about how to hunt whitetails, which you can use to your advantage this fall.

Want Permission to Hunt Private Land? Write a Hunting Resume

Obtaining permission to hunt private property can be challenging, but landowners may be more inclined to grant access if you show them your hunting resume.

How to Read Rubs

Learn to decipher the rubs you come across this fall to help pin down the movements of big deer.

Why You Should Hang Your Treestand at Night

To avoid bumping deer from prime hunting locations, place stands at night when the deer are away from their beds.

Tips and Tactics for Solo Pheasant Hunting

So your buddies all bailed—no problem. Here’s how to get a rooster on the ropes when it’s just you and the bird.

How to Skin a Rabbit in 30 Seconds

Hunters often admit the real work—dressing, skinning, processing—begins once the animal is down. But when your quarry is a rabbit, it can be a quick job.

How to Pick the Perfect Varmint Load

New bullets and loads can increase accuracy and minimize pelt damage. The best varmint ammo depends on your needs. Here’s a guide to help you find a match.

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