
10 Million Deer Hunters Roll Out for the Rut

This is a big deal. Work will wait, schools will close—all in the name of deer season. Can you feel the wind blow out of the northwest? It’s opening day.

When to Get Out of That Stand

Sometimes deer hunters need to make something happen. Here’s when to get proactive and what to do.

2011’s Top Six Drop-Away Arrow Rests

Of all the accessories a person can add to a compound bow, none are as important as the arrow rest. I am always amazed at how many guys I spot in deer camps every fall with a very expensive, late-model compound bow sporting a cheap arrow rest. That’s like buying a Ferrari and putting a set of cheap tires on it.

New-Age Inventions We Can Use for Hunting

Last month TIME magazine ranked "The 50 Best Inventions of 2010." After reading their exhaustive list I was inspired to find a way to get these technological marvels into the woods. Yes, I'm a lazy, tech-dependent product of the smart phone generation, but read this list and try to tell me it wouldn't be more fun to go afield with these once unheard of contraptions. But I'm probably just dreaming…

Four Innovative New Archery Products

The last couple of years the archery industry hasn't coughed up truckloads of innovative new products that will make a difference in either your ability to place an accurate arrow on target, or be a more successful bowhunter.

How to Stay Sharp with Your Bow During the Off-Season

Deer season is seven months away? Eight months? Something like that.

Full Moon: Good or Bad?

Are you the kind of buck hunter who believes that the full moon absolutely destroys your chances of shooting a good deer?

Field Judging Whitetails

Before you pull the trigger or release an arrow, do you know how to field judge a whitetail deer’s antlers? Those who hunt simply to fill the freezer, this is not really an issue. But for those who are hoping to shoot a buck with antlers that meet or exceed a certain numeric score, more often than not, overestimate the size of the antlers, leading to that common malady known as “ground shrinkage.”

West Texas Rules

The author comes slowly to an epiphany hunters can have only in the Lone Star State.

Gear for Deer

Here's the latest deer gear you'll want to check out for hunting season direct from the pages of American Hunter magazine.

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