
Gundogs: Don’t Let Them Get Sloppy

Don’t let hunting season become your dog’s “backsliding season.” Remain alert for opportunities to reinforce good performance, and be sure to avoid reinforcing the bad. Here’s how to focus on the right moments after the shooting starts.

What's Your Dog Thinking? Dog Brain Scan Revealed

I doubt anyone who's owned a dog hasn't occasionally wondered what the dog is thinking. Dogs are an emotive species, with ample facial muscles to show fear, anger, excitement and even joy (have you ever owned a dog that smiled?).

Gundogs: Stop Hard-Mouth Before It Starts

Poor training or breeding can leave any dog with a bad case of hard-mouth, but with a bit of work it can be corrected.

The Best Gundog Breed Ever Developed

What’s the best type of hunting dog ever bred? Get ready to settle this age-old argument once and for all.

8 Cliché Dog Names

A gundog spends years as your go-to hunting buddy—so picking a name is no small task. If you want to be original, stay away from these common and cliché options.

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