
Gundogs: Be a Silent Partner

We’ve all seen the guy who throws out vocal commands to his dog like they are burning a hole in his vest pocket. Don’t be that guy.

Know-How: Keep Your Gundog Calm and Collected

Taking the jitters out of your hunting dog might be easier said than done. If you think you’ve exhausted all your options, why not try the “medicinal” solution.

How to Care for Your Older Hunting Dog

Follow these tips to keep your aging gundog as healthy as possible for years to come.

Gundogs: Don’t Let Them Get Sloppy

Don’t let hunting season become your dog’s “backsliding season.” Remain alert for opportunities to reinforce good performance, and be sure to avoid reinforcing the bad. Here’s how to focus on the right moments after the shooting starts.

Member's Hunt: Bird Dog, Cletus

This latest Member's Hunt comes from Jake Geis of Parkston, South Dakota.

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