
Samantha’s Nebraska Rifle Giant

Samantha Bender's real-world giant had stickers and junk all over its rack, giving it an impressive look. It scored 173 4⁄8.

Debunking 6 Deer Hunting Myths

The more deer hunting myths debunked the better. That's a fact. This is my attempt to take down hunting's overused cliches, one fact-less myth at a time.

Five Questions To Answer Before Deer Season

In less than five days every hardcore Maryland archer will be in his stand when the sun breaks the skyline.

America’s Best Rut Stand

Tweak your setup to fit different terrains by following this can't miss formula for choosing your spot during the rut.

What To Do With a Spooked Buck

We occasionally spook the bucks we are hunting, but knowing what to do after they’ve split is one of the most important decisions of the season.

How Bucks Use Terrain

Understanding how whitetails move through your hunting area during the rut is more important than patterning a particular buck or any other factor.

Most Scrapes Aren't Worth a Sit

Scrapes are basically “points of interest” along corridors that deer travel at night. Scrapes that draw daytime visits usually offer added attractions.

Whitetail Hunting Skills: Old School Basics

Here are some old school skills that are as important and valid today as they were when bread was a dime a loaf, and people got their news by reading a newspaper.

10 Million Deer Hunters Roll Out for the Rut

This is a big deal. Work will wait, schools will close—all in the name of deer season. Can you feel the wind blow out of the northwest? It’s opening day.

How to Adjust to the Rut’s Phases

The rut calls for a series of adjustments. As the bucks change their behavior patterns, you need to be there waiting for them.

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