
5 Keys to Rattling

Haven't had the best luck with rattling in the past? Well, hang in there, keep cracking and remember these five keys. Your rattling luck will soon change.

How Chuck Gets It Done

How Chuck Gets It Done

Following Footprints

Remember, tracking will not always be successful. Be persistent and sooner or later it will happen.

Turkey Hunting: To Sit or Git

There are two main schools of turkey hunting styles—”sit-n-call” and “run-n-gun.” But great hunters learn how to use both tactics.

Pheasant Hunting Tips from the Experts

To make this season’s visit to your favorite pheasant destination more successful, here’s the inside advice from four pheasant masters.

When to Get Out of That Stand

Sometimes deer hunters need to make something happen. Here’s when to get proactive and what to do.

Desperate Measures: Last Resort Turkey Tactics

The gobbler tactics divulged here might be unconventional, they might even be eccentric, but in theory they all work…well, they’re at least funny.

Four Best Dove Setups

Whether you’re part of a traditional opening week dove shoot or shooting solo on a quiet afternoon, these four hot spots are where you’ll want to be sitting.

How to Hunt Suburban Coyotes

Gas prices are up and the stock market’s down. Most of us are on a tight budget, but want to find some good hunting close to home that won’t push the fuel tab into three digits and keep us away from family and other obligations for days on end.

The Right Elk Stuff

Finding habitat that actually holds elk is only one part of the equation. Learning to bounce around it strategically is the key factor to success.

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