
How Chuck Gets It Done

How Chuck Gets It Done

Fall Turkey Hunting Tactics

By this time of year, toms have regrouped into bachelor bands and hens have gathered with their poults, which means turkeys enjoy the security of large flocks. Here’s how to outfox all those eyes and ears and take home a bird for Thanksgiving.

Know-How: Why Motion Kills

Waterfowlers love wind. Because birds typically land into it, wind helps to channel ducks and geese in a definitive direction so you can set your spread and hide accordingly. It also moves the decoys, which makes them look more realistic and therefore more likely to fool your quarry.

The Antelope Approach

On the wide-open Western plains pronghorn antelope, the second-fastest land animals on Earth, use distance as a buffer from danger. It’s wise to admit a truck is best used to locate herds. But reality is boots will need to hit the ground to close the deal.

Following Footprints

Remember, tracking will not always be successful. Be persistent and sooner or later it will happen.

Do's and Don'ts of Deer Drives

In some parts of the country, driving deer is still a go-to tactic. It's a fun, camaraderie-filled way to hunt and can be very effective—if done correctly.

Climb High, Get Loud and Move

Elk activity in September can be broken into three periods. To hit pay dirt, know which one you’re hunting.

Know-How: Make-or-Break Stand Setups

Being ready for the rut starts with knowing where to place your treestand—and why.

Hot Weather Elk Tactics

Nothing kills daytime elk activity like hot weather. But if you use the right tactics, a heat wave can be a fiery time to bag a bull.

Last-Minute Plays for Late-Season Bucks

It’s the bottom of the ninth, you’re down by one and you’ve got runners on base. Step up to the late-season plate with these tactics in hand to give yourself a fighting chance at bringing home a buck.

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