Melvin Forbes Holding NULA

Melvin Forbes and Family Announce Gunsmithing Scholarship

Melvin Forbes, founder of New Ultralight Arms, has teamed with Montgomery Community College to offer the Melvin Forbes Next Generation Scholarship for gunsmithing students who attend the institution.

Sportsman's Guide Rebrands, Launches "Share the Thrill" Campaign

The outdoor sporting goods retailer Sportman's Guide has launched a brand campaign and redesign centered around a "Share The Thrill" rally cry that's meant to unite sportsmen and women through their love of the outdoors.

NRA Reopens Public Range Fund

Established in 2009, the NRA Public Range Fund is a grant matching program that encourages city and county governments, along with state or federal agencies, to work with NRA to build and improve public ranges across the United States.

FireDisc Donates Cookers to Katy, Texas Fire Department

All across the country since this pandemic began, companies in the outdoor and hunting industry, big and small, have been donating their time, resources and/or money to help in the fight against COVID-19. So it is with outdoor-cookery company FireDisc.

The ‘Deer Meat Santa Claus’

Residents in Gregg County, Texas, see Warden Todd Long coming—and why not? More than a decade ago, he began turning roadkill and illegally taken game into packaged meat to distribute to members of the community who may benefit from it. His diligence and generosity has become a regular part of the landscape in East Texas.


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