Mainhen In Hen House

Delta Waterfowl HunteR3 and Duck Production Programs Receive Funding Boost

Grants from Wildlife Habitat Canada have been awarded to Delta Waterfowl to bolster the organization’s Hen House program, as well as HunteR3 recruitment and advocacy efforts.

Hunting License Sales Down in 2021, But Remain Above Pre-Pandemic Levels

The 2022 National R3 Symposium wrapped up last week in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The 220 participants representing over 100 different organizations with an interest in hunting and shooting sports were the first to lay eyes on data released from the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (Council), documenting a slight decrease in hunting license sales in 2021.

Dos and Don’ts When Talking About Hunting

You wouldn’t go hunting without proper preparation; likewise, it’s equally important to prepare to communicate effectively about hunting before you find yourself trying to defend it.

American Hunter: 48 Years of Pure-Hunting Bliss

In 1973, the NRA introduced a monthly magazine focused solely on hunting. At a time when existing publications tailored to a wide array of sporting endeavors, such a singular-focused publication was a gamble. But within a decade, American Hunter boasted a million subscribers.

How to Talk About Hunting

In 2021, ‘Join the Hunt’ will provide—thanks to the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum—research, tips and talking points to teach hunters how to talk about hunting’s positive impact.

Western and Southeastern States Defy Hunting’s ‘National Decline’

While hunting participation at the nationwide level is down, license sales in Western and Southeastern states are booming.

How to Make a Hunter

Lessons the author learned while introducing friends and family to our pastime can be brought to bear by other hunters who seek to add to our fold.

Why Nonresident Hunters Matter

The numbers don't lie. Though residents fill the fields, nonresident hunters are a loyal bunch, and their interstate travels increasingly are helping sustain conservation efforts.

First Light: Hunter Recruitment Efforts Shift to Adults

Acknowledging youth hunter recruitment efforts may not necessarily pay dividends, many states now focus additional effort on the 27- to 40-year-old adults, people who have the time, money and resources to hunt and take their kids hunting.

Why Having a Hunting Partner Keeps You Afield

Hunting buddies provide more than a laugh and a hand at camp. Studies show they are a driving force behind our desire to go afield.

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