
Watch: Bear Locks Itself Inside Subaru

As anyone who has dealt with them knows, bears are pretty capable mammals. They're particularly adept at getting into things that are, typically, reserved for human use, likes houses and vehicles. Last month, we shared a video of a big ol' black bear spooking a family by opening the car door while they drove through a National Park. This latest video isn't quite as much of a close encounter, but it's worth viewing all the same.

Video: Bad Boy Stampede 900

Bad Boy had the Stampede 900 on display at the 145th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Louisville last week. Get a closer look with this video.

Watch: Moose Hit By Car, Walks Away

A video from Colorado shows a moose coming face to face with a oncoming Jeep—and walking away.

#SundayGunday: Colt CBX Tac Hunter

Get a closer look at the Colt CBX Tac Hunter, the latest addition to our #SundayGunday series.


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