
Stuffed Quail

The holidays are almost upon us. Looking for a festive new dish? Bring a this stuffed quail recipe to the table.

Recipe: Roasted Rabbit with Sage Stuffing

If you've got some rabbit meat in the freezer, this recipe could be just what you're looking for.

Getting Over the Ammo Shortage

Ammo is in short supply. A brick of .22 LR cartridges commands as much as $40 now. If you can find it, budget center-fire pistol ammo is going for a buck a round.

Recipe: Marinated Roast Wild Ducks

A popular meat for hunters and non-hunters alike, this particular duck recipe is chock-full of delicious ingredients that will appeal to any palette.

8 Ways for Hunters Survive Summer

Have the dog days of summer left you feeling a little blue? Don't give up hope! Kyle Wintersteen has offered a few fool-proof ways to sate your passion for the outdoors while you anxiously await fall.

How to Build a Well-Stocked Larder or Pantry

When it comes time to put all those delicious wild game recipes to use, you'll want to be prepared. So how can you go about building a larder or pantry that's just as self-sufficient as your protein stores? Georgia Pellegrini has a few recommendations.

Dove Nuggets

Sometimes the simplest recipes make for the best recipes—and we've got proof. Round up a few dove breasts and give this latest recipe from Georgia Pellegrini a try.

5 Dove Recipes to Try This Fall

Upland seasons are in full swing, and by now many hunters have already amassed a respectable stockpile of dove breasts. Looking for a new way to enjoy them? Georgia Pellegrini offers five of her favorite dove recipes for the fall.

Game-Day Substitutions

Here are some of Georgia Pellegrini's favorite go-to recipes from across the web that incorporate wild game into the menu, both as main course options and simple finger food for game day.

Best Online Resources for Wild Game

With the holidays coming, it’s about that time for party hosts and hostesses everywhere to start racking their brains for ways to impress their guests with creative, unique dishes. Need help getting started? Here are some of Georgia Pellegrini’s favorite online resources for wild game cooking tips.

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