
Join the Hunt: 5 Ways to Help Your Hunting Heritage

Supporting the next generation of hunters is crucial to our sport. Along with taking a newbie into the field to show him the ropes, there are several other behind-the-scenes opportunities to get involved and lend your experience to this worthy cause.

Michigan Pheasant Hunt Raises Funds for Charities

A group of pheasant hunters in mid-Michigan banded together to organize a charity hunt in honor of Vietnam veteran Bob Brinker. The proceeds from the event benefitted veterans and children with neuroblastoma.

American Hunter: 48 Years of Pure-Hunting Bliss

In 1973, the NRA introduced a monthly magazine focused solely on hunting. At a time when existing publications tailored to a wide array of sporting endeavors, such a singular-focused publication was a gamble. But within a decade, American Hunter boasted a million subscribers.

The Pros and Cons of Hunt Clubs

Considering joining a hunting club? Here are some things to take into consideration before making a decision.

Theodore Roosevelt and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th president, was perhaps the most forward-thinking hunter-conservationist in our nation’s history. He also was an NRA Life member. Learn how his vision and leadership created what today we call the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

Why Public Opinion of Hunting Matters

Despite its importance as a good food source, as a wildlife-management tool and as a crucial source of funding for conservation in the United States, hunting remains vulnerable to misinformation and negative attention from ill-informed media, which can encourage support for restrictive legislation. The hunting community must appeal to non-hunters through common goals, motivations and values if our pastime is to remain a fixture in American life.

Snow Road

To kill the light goose, you must chase the light goose. Such a truth leads five waterfowl hunters and one dedicated dog cross-country.

50 Years of American Hunter

We hope you are as proud as we are to celebrate a big birthday for the world’s largest and best hunting magazine.

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