Wild Duck Fried Rice

There are certain recipes that are so versatile that they are a perfect place to incorporate your favorite wild game—especially those extra scraps that you don’t know what to do with. Georgia Pellegrini's Wild Duck Fried Rice is one tasty example.

Recipe FAILS: Grapefruit Pheasant & Mallard Pizza

With wild-game concoctions by Georgia Pellegrini, your fellow NRA members and even a few dishes I've spotted, AmericanHunter.org is chock-full of good recipes. However, are all these cooking successes and the pretty photos accompanying them very realistic?

Five Ways to Prepare Wild Game in Warm Weather

Summer weather can change your approach in the kitchen, but it doesn't have to change meal quality. Here are five warm-weather wild-game recipes.

Five Regional Wild Game Dishes

Recipes and cooking styles differ throughout the United States, and wild game isn't an exception. Here are five regional dishes you can infuse with game meat.

From The Cookbook: Old Fashioned Hasenpfeffer with Spaetzles

The NRA Member's Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition, is a collection of common and unique wild-game recipes alike. Give this one a try!

How to Build a Well-Stocked Larder or Pantry

When it comes time to put all those delicious wild game recipes to use, you'll want to be prepared. So how can you go about building a larder or pantry that's just as self-sufficient as your protein stores? Georgia Pellegrini has a few recommendations.

Top Wild Game Cookbooks

There are plenty of cookbooks still on the market that are useful tools in guiding you in your wild endeavors in the kitchen.

Recipe: Venison Bannock Pops

Bannock is the perfect recipe for a hunting camp, and when time is limited, can even be made when there are no biscuits or bread readily available.

Recipe: Poached Ruffed Grouse with Apricot Sauce

Cooking grouse with apricots and fragrant spices is reminiscent of the tart and often tangy berries that grow in the wild, which naturally make a great accompaniment for the forest grouse.

How to Can Game Meat

Here's another way to enjoy your fall harvest.

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