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NRA Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to California’s One-Gun-Per-Month Restriction

Your NRA has filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Nguyen v. Bonta. Nguyen is a challenge to California’s law prohibiting the purchase of more than one firearm within any 30-day period.

Bob Barr Elected NRA President, Doug Hamlin Elected to Serve as NRA Executive Vice President & CEO

The Board of Directors of the NRA elected former U.S. Congressman Bob Barr as President of the NRA and Doug Hamlin as NRA Executive Vice President and CEO.

U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Last week, the House of the United States Congress voted to end federal protections for grey wolves in the lower 48 states.

President Donald J. Trump to Address NRA Members at 153rd NRA Annual Meetings

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) announced that President Donald J. Trump will address NRA members as the keynote speaker at the 2024 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits on Saturday, May 18th in Dallas, Texas.

U.S. House Protects Lead Ammo Use

On April 30, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a measure to protect the use of lead ammunition on a selection of federal lands.

Biden Administration Withholds Funding for Hunting, Archery Programs in the Nation’s Schools

Department of Education says it is merely following the letter of the law as outlined in Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

NRA Files Suit to Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA-ILA has partnered with SCI, Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and RMEF and filed motions to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the USFWS decision to expand hunting and fishing opportunities.

Scientific Management Frustrated Again as Wolves Relisted

A federal judge in California has restored federal protections to gray wolf populations in the Lower 48 (as this wording is a little confusing, note that this ruling does not affect wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming).

How We All Ensure the Voice of the American Hunter Is Never Silenced

As we celebrate 150 years of the NRA and reflect on the progress generated by NRA hunter members over the years, let us also acknowledge that our once widely accepted pastime is being pushed to the fringes then commit to recruiting others to “Join the Hunt.”

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