Wolf On The Prowllede

U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Last week, the House of the United States Congress voted to end federal protections for grey wolves in the lower 48 states.

Head to Head: Common vs. Obscure Hunting Cartridges

What is it that makes a cartridge ideal for your hunting scenario? Perhaps it is ammo availability, or the individual connection with a particular cartridge. We take a closer look at the pros and cons of common and obscure loads.

How to Purify Drinking Water

Anytime you head afield it’s a good idea to plan how you will drink water, and from where it will be drawn should you need more while afoot. Follow these tips on filters, chemical treatments and ultraviolet treatments to determine what’s best for you.

The Buck Pole: A Symbol of Success

It is often the first installation in a deer camp. It is usually a timber cut from nearby woods but it could be a salvaged scrap pipe. Regardless, it is always a place for hunters to gather, assess and admire deer. It is the buck pole, a symbol of success to American hunters.

Earn-a-Buck: An Effective, Divisive Way to Manage Deer

Love ’em or hate ’em, they are a feature of deer seasons across many states. Here’s the background—and the pros and cons—of earn-a-buck tags.

Why You Need to Know Your Whitetail Neighborhood

Knowing all you can about the habitat the local deer herd calls home is critical to understanding their patterns, knowing where to place stands and how to plan and adjust for the coming hunting seasons.

Mozambique Common Sense Hunting Tips

Hunters should always be on the lookout for know-how they can use. On a buffalo hunt in Mozambique, the author was all too happy to soak up some bushcraft that can be of use to us all in North America.

Member’s Hunt: 7.65 Legacy

This latest Member's Hunt comes from Gary Brown of Conklin, Michigan.

New York: State Legislature Fails to Advance Legally Harvested Wildlife Import Ban

The New York State Legislature adjourned over the weekend without passing Senate Bill (SB) 2814, titled the “Big Five African Trophies Act."

2021 Canada Deer Season Forecast

Here’s a look at the state of whitetail populations in the northernmost regions of North America. According to our research, this year could be the best deer season Canada has seen in decades.

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