Top 5 Riflescope Mounting Systems Lead

Top 5 Riflescope Mounting Systems

Your riflescope mounting system is just as important as the rifle, ammo and optic. All must work in concert to deliver a repeatable system. Here’s a look at five great systems.

Review: Wilson Combat NULA Model 20

Accuracy doesn’t have to be heavy.

Why There’s No Turkey Like the Eastern

Eastern birds just seem to be wiser and uncannily adept at escaping us. If you don’t believe it, you’d best read this before trying your luck on an Eastern tom.

Must-Have Gear for a DIY Sheep Hunt

It’s not every day you draw a sheep tag, so when you do, you want to be ready. But what does “ready” look like? Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll want to make sure you have when you go after a once-in-a-lifetime trophy.

How to Stalk Your Way to a Frustrating Tom

When the birds clam up and refuse to come to calls, you need to go to them. Where safe and legal, stalking and fanning a tom works wonders. Read this then try low-crawling.

First Look: Avian-X X-Factor Decoy Motion System

From the river bottoms to the hardwoods, life-like motion is often the key to making wary toms commit to covering those last few yards. Avian-X is now making the natural appeal and comfort of movement simpler, thanks to an all-new motion system that makes a spread come alive.

Lessons Learned from a Grizzly Bear Attack on the Kenai

In November 2012, Blake Gettys was tending his trap line in Alaska when a grizzly attacked him. Now, the victim and his storyteller examine the event in detail to determine what, if anything, could have gone better.

Effective Hand Calls for Predator Hunting

Hand calls shouldn’t be relegated to the dust bin just yet. Unlike an electronic call, a couple of calls around your neck provide an inexpensive, lightweight and simple-to-master orchestra of sounds on a predator hunt.

Why Weather Starts Every Conversation in Coyote Country

Sparkling sunshine, rainfall, snowstorms and particularly the wind all play a huge role in picking the location and hunting strategy of every setup.

Hunting Stealth Mode: The E-Bike Advantage

A silent mode of transportation could be a big advantage when hunting predators. Whether you’re running and gunning, setting up at a waterhole or hunting over a kill, a stealthy approach could reap big rewards.

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