Washington State Flag Lead

Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Appointment Violated Law But Governor Doesn’t Care

The Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation presented oral arguments to Washington Supreme Court.

Wyoming Gov. Gordon Declares November Wild Game Meat Donation Month

Wyoming Governor Gordon stands with the NRA in promoting hunters’ role in fighting hunger through Wild Game Meat Donation Month.

Boone & Crockett and NRA HLF Develop Online Hunter Module

The Boone and Crockett Club and the National Rifle Association’s Hunters’ Leadership Forum (HLF) are working together to develop an online education platform to teach hunter ethics.

Join the Hunt: Armed with Conservation

In our zeal to teach hunter-recruits marksmanship and fieldcraft we must not forget to arm them with the knowledge of everything American hunters have done to conserve our natural resources. A well-armed hunter, after all, is our best advertisement.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Leads Fight for a Vital American Freedom

As part of the organization’s 150-year stewardship of shooting and hunting, the NRA in 2016 created the Hunters’ Leadership Forum to push against the demonization of hunting.

How We All Ensure the Voice of the American Hunter Is Never Silenced

As we celebrate 150 years of the NRA and reflect on the progress generated by NRA hunter members over the years, let us also acknowledge that our once widely accepted pastime is being pushed to the fringes then commit to recruiting others to “Join the Hunt.”

Theodore Roosevelt and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th president, was perhaps the most forward-thinking hunter-conservationist in our nation’s history. He also was an NRA Life member. Learn how his vision and leadership created what today we call the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

2021: The State of American Game, Thanks to America’s Hunters

Through the remarkable vision of conservationists including NRA members, Americans today see wildlife thriving from sea to sea.

How to Talk About Hunting

In 2021, ‘Join the Hunt’ will provide—thanks to the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum—research, tips and talking points to teach hunters how to talk about hunting’s positive impact.

Join the Hunt: Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Along with the R3 movement (recruit, retain, reactivate), to save hunting’s future we must focus the next generation not only on the fun, physical challenges and nutritious, tasty meals inherent in hunting but also on how it cultivates wisdom and strengthens character.

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